Sónia Bombico

Sónia Bombico holds a PhD in History from the University of Évora, with specialisation in Maritime Archaeology. The theme of her dissertation was “Roman Lusitania maritime economy: export and circulation of food products”. She has currently an FCT grant for Management in Science and Technology (BGCT), in the area of Science Communication, and is an integrated member of the Interdisciplinary Centre of History, Cultures and Societies (CIDEHUS) at the University of Évora. She graduated in History with specialisation in Archaeology from the University of Coimbra and continued her postgraduate studies in Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology at the University of Barcelona. Apart from this, she holds a Master’s degree in Management and Valorisation of Historical and Cultural Heritage from the University of Évora, with a thesis entitled “Valorisation of the High Roman Empire’s commercial itineraries in the Atlantic – The role of underwater cultural heritage “.

Selected publications on heritage:

  • BOMBICO, Sónia (2017) – “A navegação romana no Atlântico: um património marítimo entre o material e o imaterial” in ARGOS – Revista do Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo, Nº 5, Âncora Editora, pp.40-48. ISSN: 2183-0029.
  • BOMBICO, Sónia (2016) – “Lusitanian Amphorae on Western Mediterranean Shipwrecks: Fragments of Economic History” in I. V. Pinto, R. Almeida e A. Martin (Eds) – Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 10, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, pp.445-460. ISBN 978-1-78491-427 1. https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/19080
  • BOMBICO, Sónia (2015) – “Salted-Fish industry in Roman Lusitania: Trade Memories between Oceanus and Mare Nostrum” in Filipe Themudo Barata and João Magalhães Rocha (Eds.) – Heritages and Memories from the Sea – Conference Proceedings,1st International Conference of the UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage, 14-16 January 2015, Évora – Portugal, pp.19-39. ISBN: 978-989-99442-0-6 https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/18672
  • BOMBICO, Sónia (2015) – Pr’ Álem do Mare Nostrum – Um Guia para a Navegação Romana no Atlântico. 1ª Edição, CIDEHUS – Universidade de Évora, 24 páginas. ISBN: 978-989-99242-3-9https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/18487
  • AMATO, Alessia e BOMBICO, Sónia (2013) – “Romans and Muslims in the Portuguese Atlantic” in Anciens peuplements littoraux et relations Homme/Milieu sur les côtes de l’Europe Atlantique / Ancient Maritime Communities and the Relationship between People and Environment along the European Atlantic Coasts edited by Marie-Yvane Daire, Catherine Dupont, Anna Baudry, Cyrille Billard, Jean-Marc Large, Laurent Lespez, Eric Normand and Chris Scarre, Oxford, Archaeopress, B.A.R. Series 2570, pp.189-200. https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/11661
  • BOMBICO, Sónia, CEREZO ANDREO, Felipe e FERNÁNDEZ ABELLA, David (2013) – “El Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático, un tesoro de todos y para todos. Arqueología Subacuática y participación social en la protección del PCS” (Capitulo Introdutório de Sessão) in Actas das V Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica. Arqueología para el siglo XXI, Santiago de Compostela, mayo de 2013, 236-238. https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/8920
  • BOMBICO, Sónia; FERNÁNDEZ ABELLA, David e STEFANILE, Michele (2012) – “Arqueologia Subaquática – Dez anos de Convenção da UNESCO para a Protecção do Património Cultural Subaquático” (Capitulo Introdutório de Sessão) in Actas das IV Jornadas de Jovens em Investigação Arqueológica (JIA 2011), Vol.II, Promontoria Monográfica 16, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, .35-36. https://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/handle/10174/8922