Ana Carvalho

Postdoctoral researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Cultures and Societies (CIDEHUS) of the University of Évora with the project “Heritage Repertoires: From Ethnography to Intangible” financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. She holds a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science, specialization in Museum Studies from the University of Évora (2015), a master degree in Museum Studies (University of Évora, 2009) and is graduated in Heritage Conservation (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, 2002). Her research focuses on museums and cultural heritage (tangible and intangible). She was involved in the international project: MEDINS – Identity is Future: The Mediterranean Intangible Space (2006–2008). Apart from this she is a member of the editorial board of the Portuguese scientific journal MIDAS.Museum Interdisciplinary Studies and editor of the digital bulletin issued by ICOM Portugal.

Selected publications on heritage:

  • Carvalho, Ana, org. 2016. Participação: Partilhando a Responsabilidade. Lisboa: Acesso Cultura. 158 páginas. ISBN: 978-989-20-6617-2. Disponível aqui
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2015. “Patrimónios Marítimos: Estratégias de Musealização do (i)material.” Argos: Revista do Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo (3): 13–22.
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2015. “O Fascínio do Património e dos Museus: Entrevista com Hugues de Varine.” Cadernos de Sociomuseologia 5: 145–65.
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2014. “Museums and Communities: is this Relationship an Object of Desire?” In Exhibit Your Culture – Community Learning in Museums and Cultural Organizations, edited by Aniko Korenchy-Misz and Niki Lindsey, 77–83.
  • [Budapeste]: Community Exhibitions as Tools for Adults’ Individual Development (CETAID).
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2014. Book review of “Michelle Stefano, Peter Davis, e Gerard Corsane, eds. – Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage: Touching the Intangible.” MIDAS. Museus e Estudos interdisciplinares (3).
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2014. “Book review «Mingote Calderón, José Luis (coord.), Patrimonio Inmaterial, Museos y Sociedad: Balances y Perspectivas de Futuro».” E-Cadernos CES 21:141–143.
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2013. Book review of “Christian Hottin (org.), Le Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel: Premières Expériences en France.” Etnográfica. Revista do Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia 17 (2) (June 1): 430–432.
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2011. “Os Museus e o Património Cultural Imaterial: Algumas Considerações.” In Ensaios e Práticas em Museologia, edited by Alice Semedo and Patricia Costa, 73–100. Porto: Universidade do Porto.
  • Carvalho, Ana. 2011. Os Museus e o Património Cultural Imaterial: Estratégias para o Desenvolvimento de Boas Práticas. Vol. 28, Biblioteca – Estudos & Colóquios. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, CIDEHUS-Universidade de Évora.
  • Carvalho, Ana, and Filipe Themudo Barata, eds. 2008. Le Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel et le Role d’Institutions Publiques dans l’Implementation d’Inventaires: Actes du Séminaire International, Université d’Évora, 22 Juin 2007. Évora: CIDEHUS-Universidade de Évora.