Filipe Themudo Barata

Full Professor at the University of Évora since 2004, where he teaches several disciplines and seminars connected with History (especially Medieval), Heritage and Museology.
Former member of the Steering Committee of the Master of Museology, member of the Scientific and Pedagogic Committee of the Erasmus Mundus Master TPTI (“Techniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l’Industrie”), member of the Steering Committee of HERIMED Association (Palermo), member and Vice-Director of the CIDEHUS Research Centre at the University of Évora, Visiting Professor at Cape Verde University and associated member of the Centre d’Histoire des Techniques (Paris Sorbonne – Panthéon). Pro bono manager of the Fondation Orient-Occident (Rabat – Morocco).
He has lead several project teams concerning heritage, including the intangible heritage: Portuguese Heritage around the World. Architecture and Urbanism (a project financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), actually: HPIP – Heritage of Portuguese Influence (; INTEREG III B MEDOCC – MEDINS (Identity is future: Mediterranean Intangible Space); INTEREG III B MEDOCC – MERCATOR (Routes des Marchands, Villes des Marchés en Méditerranée); COST A27 – Understanding pre-industrial structures in rural and mining landscapes (Landmarks).
Some publications on heritage:
- 2012 – “Is it possible to keep heritage landscapes original functions? Remarks on land degradation threats and monitoring indicators”, in: Landscapes: Perception, Knowledge, Awareness, and Action, Volume 1, 2012. With Sofia Capelo and José Manuel Mascarenhas (ISBN 978-1-935494-34-8, LCCN: 2012938421)
- 2011 – “Why cultural landscapes have different values? Thinking about heritage landscape evaluation and monitoring tools”, in: Journal of Landscape Ecology, 4(1) (2011) 5-17. With Sofia Capelo and José Manuel Mascarenhas (ISSN: 1803-2427)
- 2010 – “Africa, Red Sea and Persian Gulf”, coordination with José Manuel Fernandes, a volume of Portuguese Heritage around the World. Architecture and Urbanism. General Coordination José Mattoso, Lisbon: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 2010 (ISBN: 978-989-8534-02-6).
- 2008 – Patrimoine Immatériel. Base de Données et Organisation Sémantique. Mémoire descriptive, Património Cultural – Cadernos de Campo (Patrimoine Culturel – Cahiers de Terrain), 3, Lisboa: Sete Caminhos, 2008. With Gerardo Vidal Gonçalves. (ISBN: 978-989-602-154-2)
- 2008 – Le Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel au Portugal. Questions d’aujourd’hui et défis de demain, Património Cultural – Cadernos de Campo (Patrimoine Culturel – Cahiers de Terrain), 1, Lisboa: Sete Caminhos, 2008. With Ana Carvalho (ISBN: 978-989-602-152-8).