Chair members’ Spring 2015 lecture at Brandeis University, USA
The Spring 2015 Soli Sorabjee Lecture featured a pair of presentations by faculty from the University of Évora in Portugal on the topic of “Portuguese Cultural Heritage in South Asia”
Chair holder Filipe Themudo Barata (Associate Professor of History at the University of Évora) addressed the topic “When the world was a place of the unknown and Vasco da Gama united the East and the West”, while João Magalhães Rocha (Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Évora) spoke about “A heritage memory: the Portuguese architectural settlements on the Indian West Coast”.
The lectures took place within the South Asian Studies Program of Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA.
Chair collaborator at the Berlin Innovate Heritage conference | 2014
Sajid-Bin-Doza to show sketches that link Art and Heritage.
Chair collaborator Sajid-Bin-Doza will show the portofolio of his artistic work related to the cultural heritage of his native country (Bangladesh) at the international conference Innovate Heritage: Conversations between Arts and Heritage, which will take place in Berlin from 6-8 June, 2014.
His sketches of ancient architectural structures are seen as part of a regeneration process – closely linked to the historical and conjectural restoration of specific buildings, neighborhood settlements, space, and environment – which involves studying, analysing and researching ancient and historic literature and manuscripts. The title of his presentation is ‘Retrospective’ – Sketches of heritage and the conjectural restoration study.
Membro da Cátedra na Casa Velázquez em Madrid | 2014
Cyril Isnart é o co-coordenador de um colóquio sobre o património religioso.
Em colaboração com Nathalie Cerezales (Université Paris 1), o membro da Cátedra UNESCO Cyril Isnart (CIDEHUS) está a coordenar um colóquio sob o título “Atores e objetos do património religioso no Mediterrâneo”, que terá lugar na Casa Velázquez entre os dias 6 e 7 de março de 2014.
Também está a cargo da palestra introdutória “Penser le patrimoine religieux en Méditerranée?”
Como antropólogo, Cyril Isnart investiga questões ligadas à religião, à música e à construção do património no Sul da Europa (França, Portugal e Grécia).
TPTI lecture given by UNESCO Chair holder | 2013
Filipe Themudo Barata was the key speaker at a Erasmus Mundus Master TPTI (Techniques, Patrimoine,Territoires de l’Industrie) Course.
The Erasmus Mundus Master TPTI (Techniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l’Industrie) Course is offered by the Universities of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), Évora (Portugal), Padua (Italy), Alicante (Spain), Sfax (Tunisia), Prague (Czech Republic), and UTFPr (Brazil) . Its teachings consist in TPTI master classes, seminars, field work, source analysis, critical analysis of publications, tutorial work in small groups, and individual meetings with assigned teachers.
On December 13, 2013, Filipe Themudo Barata from the UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage was the key speaker at the TPTI course on “Technical Systems”. [Paris, Sorbonne, Sale Picard]